Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber
Sabine Bitter, born 1960 in Aigen, Upper Austria; lives and works in Vienna and Vancouver.
Helmut Weber, born 1957, Dorf/Pram, Upper Austria; lives and works in Vienna.
Since 1993, Vancouver and Vienna based artists Bitter/Weber have cooperated on projects addressing urban geographies, architectural representations and related visual politics. Educated at University for Applied Arts in Linz with Laurids Ortner, their artistic works focus on emergent sites and overlaps of architecture, urban developments, communications systems and modes of artistic and cultural production as they are mediated through photography, video and new media technologies. Projects like "Caracas, Hecho en Venezuela", "Live Like This!" and "CITYtransformer 02", engage with specific moments and sites of globalization, as they are materialized in architecture.
Dealing with architecture as a frame for spatial meaning, the works of Bitter/Weber are at the interface of architecture, new media technologies, and systems of representation.
In 2004, Sabine Bitter, Jeff Derksen and Helmut Weber have formed the urban research collective
Since 2007 represented by Grita Insam Gallery, Vienna.
See for further projects.
Selected individual exhibitions, projects and screenings:
2007: "Recent Geographies", Gallery Grita Insam, Vienna; "Cityscapes", Museum Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria;
2006: "LIVE LIKE THIS!", aut, architektur und tirol, Innsbruck; "VIVIR PARA VER", Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (c); "LIVE LIKE THIS!", plattform gallery, Berlin;
2005: "LIVE LIKE THIS!", Camera Austria, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz(c); CARACAS, HECHO EN VENEZUELA", Charles H. Scott Gallery, Vancouver (c); "Living Megastructures", Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago; "Living Megastructures", nationwide TV channel "VIVE", Venezuela.
2004: "Living Megastructures", 46. International Festival of Documentary and Short Film, Bilbao, within the project "Megacities", Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao; Filmcasino, Vienna; billboard "Super Citizen", Clockshop, Los Angeles; "rendering the real", Fluc, Vienna.
2003: "transformative urbanism - from Almere to Caracas", Galeria Noua, Bucharest; billboard "Caracas, Hecho en Venezuela", subway, Caracas.
2002: Urban Spin Offs", Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna; billboard series "Meeting at The LOT", "City Transformers 02", Gdansk.
2001: "Metropolis Transformed", IFK International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna.
2000: "CITYalias / constructing sites", De Paviljoens, Almere.
1997 "Architektur IV", Fotogalerie Wien, Vienna (c). 1995"Urban Exercises", Camera Austria - Forum Stadtpark, Graz; "On Condition", Clocktower Gallery, New York. 1994-1998: Percentage for the Arts program, O.K Center for Contemporary Art, Linz.
1994 "beitrag zur beweglichkeit", Depot, Vienna (with Ulrike Davis Sulikowski).
Selected group exhibitions:
2007: "Differentiated Neighbourhoods ", Novi Beograd, Belgrade; "Toronto Art Fair", Toronto; "Borderline Case", Contemporary Art Gallery, Windsor, Canada;"VIENNA ART FAIR", Vienna; "Video as urban condition", Lentos, Linz, Austria; "MACO", Mexican Contemporary Art Fair, Mexico; "21 Positions", Austrian Cultural Forum, New York;
2006: "Why Pictures Now?", Museum of Modern Art , MUMOK, Vienna (c); "LAST MINUTE" by Büro für kognitiven Urbanismus, gfzk, Leipzig; "EMERGENCY BIENNALE in CHECHNYA", Centre A, Vancouver(US: Urban Subjects, with Jeff Derksen); "The Urban Conditions", Museum De Paviljoens, Almere; "Not Sheep: New Urban Enclosures and Commons ", Artspeak gallery, Vancouver (US: Urban Subjects, with Jeff Derksen); "Urbi & Orbi", Biennale de la photographie, Sedan (c); "SHIFT", Galerie Grita Insam, Wien; "Architecture & Disaster", Western Front, Vancouver;
2005: "EUROPART. Aktuelle Kunst in Europa", Rolling Boards, Vienna; " 'I beg your pardon.' or The Reestablishing of Cordial Relations," Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The New School, New York City (US:Urban Subjects, with Jeff Derksen); "SIMULTAN", Museum der Moderne, Salzburg (c); "Collage Bucharest", University of Arts, Bucharest;
2004: "GEEP Atopia Projects#3.99", Cell 77 project space, Edinburgh (with Jeff Derksen); "Identify! or Studies on the Political Subject", The Vera List Center for Art + Politics, New York; "formate. Wien ca. 2004", Galeria Noua, Bucharest (c); "Niemandsland. Modell für den öffentlichen Raum", Künstlerhaus, Vienna (c); "susedka - NachbarIn. Austrian Contemporary Photography", House of Photography, Poprad (c).
2003: "under construction", Museum der Moderne, Salzburg; "Rethinking Photography", Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg; Austrian Cultural Institute, Warsaw; "CaracasCase", Sala Mendoza, Caracas; "IN PASSING", Pavel Haus, Laafeld; "On Territories", Medien + Architektur Biennale, Graz; Jakarta Video Art Festival.
2002: "mega: manifeste der anmaßung", Künstlerhaus, Vienna; "City Transformers 02", Lasznia Center for the Arts, Gdansk (with Jeff Derksen); "Multitude", Artists Space, New York; "The Village", Or Gallery, Vancouver; "Der Blick auf Wien", Museum auf Abruf, Vienna.
2001: "Spetani - wyzwoleni", Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw (c); "Surround", Charles H. Scott Gallery, Vancouver; "ARCHI LAB Orleans 2001", Orleans (c);"REkonstruktion_heimAT", FORUM STADTPARK, Graz.
2000: "Chile:Austria", Museo des Belles Artes, Santiago (c); "I.C.I", Gallery W139, Amsterdam; "Aus dem Umfeld", Universitätsgalerie der Kunstuniversität Linz (c); "Individualisation", Architectuur Centrum, Einhoven.
1999: "Public Space / Private Body", De Paviljoens, Almere; "Chile:Austria", Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz; Kärntner Landesmuseum, Klagenfurt; Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck (c).
1998: "Close Echoes", Kunst. Halle.Krems, Krems; Galerie der Stadt Prag, Prague (c); "Offene Grenzen", Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg; Künstlerwerkstatt Lothringerstraße, Munich (CD); "De Zomer van de Fotografie", Hessenhuis, Antwerp (c); "Icons", Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg (c); "Trafik", Galerie der Stadt Eisenstadt (c).
1997: "Transversions", 2. Johannesburg Biennial, Johannesburg (c); Biennale Photographie & Arts Visuels, Liege (c); "Trafik", Kunsthalle Szombathelyi (c); "Schauplatz Museumsquartier", Kunsthalle, Vienna (c).
1996: "Geben und Nehmen", Künstlerhaus, Plüschow (c); "2. Österreichische Triennale zur Foto grafie: Radikale Bilder", Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum and Künstlerhaus, Graz (c); "Hall2O", Kunsthalle Tirol, Hall (c).
1995: "Athenkonferenz: Die Kunst der Reise", Athens (c); "Telepolis", Mediafestival Luxemburg (with Jürg Meister); "Incidental Alterations", The Angel Orsenanz Foundation, New York (c); "Zu Tisch!", Kunst. Halle.Krems, Krems.
1994: Phototriennale, Art Museum, Oulu (c).
(c) catalogue
Teaching (Sabine Bitter):
2007: Assistant Professor, School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC; 2006: Studio Course, Emily Carr Institute for Art and Design, Vancouver. 2004: MFA Studio Course, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Visiting Artists, Emily Carr Institute for Art and Design, Vancouver. 2002: "Kunsttransfer", Technical University, Vienna, Faculty of Architecture(w/ Helmut Weber). 1998 Visiting Professor at University of Applied Arts, Vienna.
Lectures and presentations(selected):
University of Western Ontario, London; Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna; Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam; Biennial on Media and Architecture, Graz; CUNY Graduate Center, City University New York; Central University of Venezuela, UCV, Caracas; Architecturecenter Vienna; ISEA 2000, Paris; Institut francais d´architecture, IFA, Paris; Hunter College, New York.
Grants and awards:
2005 "Würdigungspreis für künstlerische Fotografie", Federal Chancellery Austria, Vienna; Schindler Artists and Architects in Residence Program, Los Angeles, Museum of Applied Art, Vienna. 2004 Studio Grant Chicago, Federal Chancellery Austria, Vienna. " Landeskulturpreis für Fotografie" (Sabine Bitter), Upper Austria. 2003 "CaracasCase" grant program by the German Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the "Caracas Urban Think Tank", Venezuela. 1998 Artists Residency, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff. 1994-1995 P.S.1 Studio Program, New York (Sabine Bitter).
Selected publications:
"B i t t e r W e b e r : VIVIR PARA VER", Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, 2006. "BitterWeber: LIVE LIKE THIS!", (ed.) Reinhard Braun, Camera Austria, Graz, Austria 2005.
Kathy Slade (ed.), Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber: "CARACAS, HECHO EN VENEZUELA", Vancouver Frankfurt: Charles H. Scott Gallery Revolver 2005.
Raul Zelik / Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, "made in venezuela, Notizen zur "Bolivarianischen Revolution", Hamburg: Assoziation A - Büro Hamburg 2004. Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, "Z_orb, A Superstuff Production: Modernity in Your Hand", "image.source", "Live like this!", (series of four brochures with texts by Jeff Derksen) Vienna 2001.
Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber: "On Formation On Condition", (with a text by Georg Schöllhammer) Vienna 1997.
Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber with Ulrike Davis Sulikowski "beitrag zur beweglichkeit", Vienna 1995. Sabine Bitter "Der Richtung nach", Galerie Grita Insam, Vienna 1999. Sabine Bitter "An die Wand", Edition Camera Austria, Graz 1992.
Selected bibliography:
"Decollage City", Rainer Metzger, Artmagazine.cc(2007;
"Live Like This: A-Stadt, Black Metropolis, Wohnraumpolitk", Kunstforum International 179 (Feb-April 2006);
Jochen Becker, "Illiterate Architektur", in: taz, May 2006
Krystian Woznicki, "Gebaute Revolution", in: taz berlin, May 2006
Jochen Becker, "BitterWeber -Live Like This!", in: springerin, Band XII Heft 1, Winter 2006.
Patrizia Grzonka, "Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, Superstrukturen", in: Kunst-Bulletin, Switzerland, 2005.
Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, "Lets Call it Participatory Modernism", in: Kyong Park (ed.), Urban Ecology: Detroit and beyond, Hong Kong: MAP Book Publshers 2005.
Julia Meltzer (ed.), public speaking, Clockshop, Los Angeles 2005.
Alina Serban, "Z_on transition", in: Idea, Arts + Society, 15-16/2003.
Ruth Horak (ed.), Rethinking Photography, Salzburg Graz: Edition Fotohof - Forum Stadtpark 2003.
Raul Zelik, "Kritik: Radical Democratization from below?", with photographs by Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, in: Arch +, 166/ 2003.
Ruth E. Horak, "Neuer Reduktionismus in der Fotografie", in: Eikon, 41/2003.
Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, "Wien umgehen, SUPER_BOOKS", in: dérive, 9/2002. Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, "Live like This!", in: CABINET, 6/2002.
Manuela Hötzl, "Wenn Bilder sprechen könnten", in: Architektur und Bauforum, 220/2002.
Ursula Renner-Henke, "Metropolis Transformed", in: IFKnow, 1/2002.
Dinis Giarda, "Bitter & Webber, Art, Architecture-ideology and Globalization", in: Numeromagazine, 11/2001.
Nancy Shaw, "CITYalias. The City as Cultural Softare", in: Eikon, 33/2000. Matthias Dusini, "Porträt Bitter/Weber", in: Falter -Stadtzeitung für Wien, 40/2000.
Jeff Derksen, "CITYalias", in: springerin Hefte zur Gegenwartskunst, VI/1/2000.
Jeff Derksen, "CITYalias/almere.txt", in: kursiv, 4/1999: "Talking Cities".
Artists' insert with Jeff Derksen "CITYalias/almere.txt", in: Archis, 11/1999: "Almere, leisure city".
Insert "Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber: Logik des Hier und Jetzt", in: Kunstforum International, 143/1999.
Sabine Bitter / Helmut Weber, "Leerräumen, Landscape Holland", in: Hedwig Saxenhuber, Georg Schöllhammer (ed.), OK. Ortsbezug: Konstruktion oder Prozess, Wien: edition selene 1998.
Georg Schöllhammer, "Was kann denn eine 'Stadt-Übung' sein / So what might be an 'Urban Exercise'", in: Camera Austria, 55/1996.
Since 1994, Bitter/Weber run their own website (www.lot.at) and realize web projects for such as "Omnizone", www.plexus.org, N.Y.C.; webarte exhibition, Biennale Sao Paulo; Biennale media + architecture, Graz; www.immaterial.net, N.Y.C.
see the extended timeline of works and projects from 1994 onwards: ;
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